


Adama Ouédraogo, Gilles Pison, Abdramane Soura et al, 2021, The Excess Mortality of Twins Compared to Singletons From Birth to Age 5 in Sub-Saharan Africa : Analysis of Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSS) Data. Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri (Virtual conference) (États-Unis). 

Adama Ouédraogo, Gilles Pison, Sophie Le Coeur et al, 2021, Niveaux, variations spatiales et temporelles et facteurs associés de la surmortalité des jumeaux de 0 à 5 ans en Afrique subsaharienne : Analyses des enquêtes nationales de 42 pays. Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri (Virtual conference) (États-Unis).

Ugofilippo Basellini et Carlo Giovanni Camarda, 2021, Modeling COVID-19 Mortality at the Regional Level in Italy. PAA 2021 - Annual Meeting (St. Louis, Missouri, 5-8 May 2021), Virtual conference (Originally : Louis (MO)) (États-Unis). 

Ugofilippo Basellini, Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Emanuele Del Fava et al, 2021, Linking Excess Mortality to Mobility Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in England and Wales. PAA 2021 - Annual Meeting (St. Louis, Missouri, 5-8 May 2021), Virtual conference (Originally : St. Louis) (États-Unis).

Jenny Garcia, Catalina Torres, Magali Barbieri et al, 2021, International Differences in COVID-19 Mortality : Some Reflections on Diversity in Data Collection Systems. PAA 2021 - Annual Meeting (St. Louis, Missouri), Virtual conference (St. Louis, Missouri) (États-Unis).

Arianna Caporali, Etienne Couppie, Jenny Garcia et al, 2021, La démographie des décès COVID-19. Une passerelle vers des données internationales bien documentées. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Virtual conference. 

Catalina Torres, France Meslé, Magali Barbieri et al, 2021, Comparing successive COVID-19 Waves within and between Countries : A challenge when dealing with imperfect Data. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Virtual conference. 

Andrea Verhulst, Julio Romero Prieto, Alam Nurul, Michel Guillot et al, 2021, Identifying New Age Patterns of Under-5 Mortality Using the Under-5 Mortality Database. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Virtual conference.

Catalina Torres, Arianna Caporali et Gilles Pison, 2021, The Human Multiple Births Database (HMBD), an international, open access database on twin and other multiple births. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Virtual conference.

Gilles Pison, Catalina Torres, Christiaan Monden et al, 2021, Peaks in twin births ? Une comparaison internationale des tendances des taux de gémellité dans 30 pays développés. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Virtual conference. 

Adama Ouédraogo, Gilles Pison, Sophie Le Coeur et al., 2021, Levels, Trends, and Factors Associated with Under-5 Excess Mortality among Twins in Sub-Saharan Africa: Studies of National Surveys from 42 Countries. XXIXe Congrès international de la population de l’UIESP 2021 (IPC 2021), Hyderabad (Virtual conference). 


Arianna Caporali, Emmanuelle Cambois, Magali Barbieri et al, 2020, The Demographics of COVID-19 Deaths. Seminar of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany, Videoconference

Emmanuelle Cambois, Arianna Caporali, Magali Barbieri et al, 2020, The Demographics of COVID-19 Deaths. Provision of international data. Seminar of the Pole "Vieillesses et Vieillissements", Videoconference (France)

Arianna Caporali, Emmanuelle Cambois, Magali Barbieri et al, 2020, The demography of COVID-19 deaths. A gateway to well-documented international data. Brown Bag Seminar, Berkeley Population Center, Videoconference - Berkeley (USA).

Ugofilippo Basellini, Diego Alburez-Gutierrez (Collab.), Emanuele Del Fava (Collab.) et al, 2020, Leveraging Google Mobility Reports to assess the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on excess mortality in England and Wales. IUSSP Webinar: Digital and computational approaches to study determinants and consequences of the spread of COVID-19, Online Webinar (France)

Jenny Garcia, Catalina Torres, Magali Barbieri et al, 2020, Differences in COVID-19 Mortality: the implications of imperfect and diverse data collection systems. Seminar Lundis de l’Ined, Videoconference - Paris (France).


Emilie Counil, 2019, "Social mobilization and expert knowledge: to what extent do they complement each other and where are the tensions?". ETUI conference on "The future of health and safety in Europe", Brussels, Belgium.

Emilie Counil, Emmanuel Henry, Walaa Ismail et al, 2019, "Linking population-based impact measures and social inequalities in health: the example of work-cancer links." 10th Annual Congress of the SFSE (Société Francophone de Santé et Environnement), Paris, France.

Magali Barbieri, Florian Bonnet, and Celeste Winant, 2019, "The evolving geography of US mortality. A state-level analysis of converging/diverging trends in the length of life." International Workshop on Subnational Life Tables, Canberra, Australia. 

Adama Ouédraogo, 2019, "Twin birth frequencies in the population observatories of the INDEPTH network in Sub-Saharan Africa: comparative descriptive analyses." 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda.  

Adama Ouédraogo, Gilles Pison, Sophie Le Coeur et al, 2019, "Frequency of twin births in sub-Saharan Africa: levels, trends & associated factors." 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda. 

Adama Ouédraogo, Gilles Pison, Sophie Le Coeur et al, 2019, "Twin overmortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Levels, spatio-temporal variations & associated factors - Analyses of national surveys from 42 countries." 8th African Population Conference, Entebbe, Uganda. 

Magali Barbieri, 2019, "International perspectives on US mortality trends." Society of Actuaries Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Émilie Counil, Emmanuel Henry, Walaa Ismail et al, 2019, "Linking the assessment of the burden of work-related cancer to health inequities research: past, present and future". ISEE2019 International Conference "On airs, waters, places", Utrecht, The Netherlands.

France Meslé and Jacques Vallin, 2019, "Mortality in Eastern Europe during the 20th century: the marks of political history". Third Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography, Pécs (Hungary).

Aline Désesquelles and Salomé Quetier-Parent, 2019, "What women with breast cancer die from? - An analysis of multiple causes of death from French death certificates." 4th workshop of the Multicause network, Paris, France.

Aline Désesquelles, Francesco Grippo, Viviana Egidi et al, 2019, "Multi-morbidity and frailty at death: a new classification of death records for an aging world". 4th workshop of the Multicause network , Paris, France.

Hayley Pierce, Magali Barbieri, and Celeste Winant, 2019, "Drug and pregnancy related deaths: Levels, trends, and geographic differentials during the recent drug epidemics." Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA. 

Ugofilippo Basellini, Søren Kjærgaard et Carlo Giovanni Camarda, 2019, "An age-at-death distribution approach to forecast cohort mortality". Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA. 


Dang Hoang Khanh Linh, Meslé France, Ouellette Nadine, 2018, Risks of Death at the Oldest Ages: What Do We Learn From Experiences of French, Belgian, and French-Canadian Centenarians, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 26-28.

Grigoriev Pavel, Jasilionis Domantas, Kluesener Sebastian, Timonin Sergey, Andreev Evgueni, Muszynska Magdalena, Meslé France, Vallin Jacques, 2018, Geographical Variation of Premature Male Mortality in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 26-28.

Guillot M, Khlat M, Solignac M, Gansey R & Elo I, 2018. The impact of salmon bias on the migrant mortality advantage: new evidence using French retirement data. European Population Conference, Brussels, Belgium, June 6-9.

Guillot M, Khlat M, Solignac M, Gansey R & Elo I, 2018. The impact of the salmon bias on the migrant mortality advantage: new evidence using French pension data. Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 26-28.

Basellini Ugofilippo, Camarda Carlo-Giovanni, 2018. Extending the Lee-Carter Model to the Three Components of Human Mortality, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 26-28.

Aburto José Manuel, Basellini Ugofilippo, Kjærgaard Søren, Vaupel James W., 2018. Life expectancy and life span equality: A long run relationship with recent interruptions, Workshop on Inequality and Uncertainty in Length of Life, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 17.

van Raalte A., Nepomuceno M., Camarda C.G., Myrskylä M., 2018. How does life span variation develop across cohorts? Workshop on Inequality and Uncertainty in Length of Life, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 17.

Basellini Ugofilippo, Camarda Carlo-Giovanni, 2018. Extending the Lee-Carter Model to the Three Components of Human Mortality, European Population Conference (EAPS), Brussels, Belgium, June 6-9.

Dang Hoang Khanh Linh, Meslé France, Ouellette Nadine, 2018, Risks of Death at the Oldest Ages: What Do We Learn From Experiences of French, Belgian, and French-Canadian Centenarians?", European Population Conference (EAPS), Brussels (Belgium), June 6-9, 17 pp.

Danilova Inna, Shkolnikov Vladimir M., Barbieri Magali, Grigoriev Pavel, Jdanov Dmitri, Meslé France, Vallin Jacques, 2018, Consistency of Cause-Specific Mortality Data at Subnational Level: A Comparative Analysis of France, Germany, Russia and the United States, Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, April 26-28.

Danilova Inna, Shkolnikov Vladimir M., Barbieri Magali, Grigoriev Pavel, Jdanov Dmitri, Meslé France, Vallin Jacques, 2018, Consistency of Cause-of-Death Mortality Data across Subnational Entities in USA, France, Germany and Russia, European Population Conference (EAPS), Brussels (Belgium), April 26-28, 4 pp.

Grigoriev Pavel, Jasilionis Domantas, Kluesener Sebastian, Timonin Sergey, Andreev Evgueni, Muszynska Magdalena, Meslé France, Vallin Jacques, 2018, Geographical Variation of Premature Male Mortality in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Russia, European Population Conference (EAPS), Brussels (Belgium), June 6-9, 10 p.

Carrère Amélie, Cambois Emmanuelle, Fontaine Roméo, 2018, Cognitive limitations and activity restrictions at home in France: Towards an acceleration of the disability process? ", IPSS Workshop, Tokyo (Japan), January.


Aburto, J. M., U. Basellini, et al. (2017). Life expectancy and life span equality: A long run relationship. MaxNetAging Conference. Rostock, Germany.            

Alexander, M., M. Barbieri, et al. (2017). Opioid Deaths by Race in the United States. Population Association of America (PAA) annual meeting. Chicago, USA.            

Barbieri, M. (2017). Deteriorating mortality trends in the United States in comparative perspective. Similarities and peculiarities on the path to longer life spans.  4th symposium of the human mortality database. Berlin, Germany.            

Barbieri, M. (2017). The human mortality database: Data Challenges and Methodological Approach. Living to 100 Conference Orlando, Florida (USA).

Barbieri, M. (2017). Introduction to the human mortality database. Living to 100 Conference. Orlando, Florida (USA).            

Barbieri, M. (2017). Recent mortality trends in the United States in comparative perspective: The Long View. Retirement industry conference. Orlando (United States).

Basellini, U. and C.-G. Camarda (2017). Modeling and forecasting age at death distributions. Italian population days conference (Popdays 2017). Florence, Italy,

Bellis, G., I. Ville, et al. (2017). Disability, schooling modalities and school experiences. The French case. 6th International ALTER Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland.          

Cambois, E., & A. Carrère (2017). Impact of functional limitations on activity restrictions among people aged 65 and over in France: an unexpected strengthening between 2004 and 2013. REVES. Santiago, Chile.             

Cambois, E., A. Carrère, et al. (2017). Learning from the 25-year evolution of disability-free life expectancies in France: Younger, older, men or women, who benefited more? REVES. Santiago (Chile).            

Cambois, E., A. Carrère, et al. (2017). Disability-free life expectancies at age 65: 25 years of evolution. Conseil d’orientation des retraites. Paris, France.    

Cambois, E., S. Grobon, et al. (2017). Impact of question wording on the measurement of activity limitation: evidence from a randomized test in France. Bridge Health Conference. Brussels, Belgium.            

Correa, G., and J. Garcia (2017). Urban-rural convergence of infant and under-five mortality in Latin America, 1980-2010. Healthy Life Expectancy Network-REVES. Santiago de Chile, Chile.       

Gil, B. (2017). Mucoviscidosis, family and society. A survey of patient pathways and quality of life. 12th Scientific Days of the French Cystic Fibrosis Society. Paris.            

Gil, B. (2017). Cystic fibrosis, family and society. A survey of patient pathways and quality of life. 7th Entretiens de la mucoviscidose. Nantes, France.

Gil, B. (2017). Y-chromosome polymorphisms and genetic distances between West African populations. Ined seminar Autour des populations du passé: les migrations humaines. Paris, France.         

Guillot, M., M. Khlat, et al. (2017). Does the immigrant mortality advantage persist in the second generation? The example of France. Ined. Paris, Séminaire des lundis.             

Guillot, M., M. Khlat, et al. (2017). Does the immigrant mortality advantage persist in the second generation? The example of France. Lundis de l’Ined.  Paris, France.

Ichou, M., and M. Wallace (2017). The healthy immigrant effect: The role of educational selectivity in healthy immigrants. Annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA).  Chicago, USA.           

Jasilionis, D., F. Meslé, et al. (2017). Does the East-West life expectancy gap still persist in the enlarged European Union? DIMOCHA closing seminar 17 slides. Rostock, Germany.        

Meslé, F. (2017). From disparities in mortality trends to future health challenges. DIMOCHA : Project ANR-12-FRAL-0003-01. DIMOCHA closing seminar 11 slides. Rostock (Germany).      

Meslé, F. and J. Vallin (2017). Avoidable mortality some pieces for a discussion of the concept. DIMOCHA closing seminar 19 slides. Rostock (Germany).

Meslé, F. and J. Vallin (2017). Best practices in gender gaps in life expectancy: a concept in motion. 4th symposium on the human mortality database. Berlin, Germany: 12.           

Meslé, F., and J. Vallin (2017). Causes of death at very old age, including supercentenarians: the case of France. Annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA): 12.  Chicago (USA),            

Solé-Auró, A., E. Cambois, et al. (2017). Disability and economic hardship: A dual challenge for European women? REVES Annual Meeting. Santiago, Chile.      

Wallace, M., and B. Wilson (2017). The health advantage of human migration. PopFest. Stockholm, Sweden.