Life of the unit

The life of the unit is organized around monthly meetings including a scientific presentation by a member of the unit or an external guest. The unit also organizes each year a session of the weekly seminar "Les Lundis de l’Ined".

The unit regularly welcomes foreign researchers for stays ranging from a few days to 3 months.

Presentations by researchers from outside the unit during the unit’s monthly meetings:

Simeng Wang and Francesco Madrisotti (CNRS, CERMES3) "Access to health care and health practices among the Chinese population in France at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic : from the MigraChiCovid survey" (May 2021)

Caroline Laborde (Paris-Saclay University, UVSQ / Inserm, CESP / Regional Health Observatory, Paris Region Institute)
    "Physical environment and loss of functional autonomy in old age" (April 2021)

No external researchers (2020)

Karen Cheung (University of Hong Kong) "Beyong a mortality plateau: A fresh inquiry into the adult longevity and force of old-age mortality" (May 2019)

 Irma Elo (Population Aging Research Center, University of Pennsylvania) "Recent trends in non-Hispanic white life expectancy in the U.S by region ans metropolitan - nonmetropolitan status" (October 2018)

Florian Bonnet (Paris 1 - Paris School of Economics) "Geographic inequalities in mortality in France from 1806 to 2014: the end of a territorial divide?" (July 2018)

 Viviana Egidi "Do economic crises have an impact on mortality? The example of the great recession and the great depression in Italy" (April 2018)

 Pekka Martikainen "Finnish register based research data: BACKGROUND, DESIGN and some research examples (January 2018)

 Marthe Nicolet (Interfaculty Center for Gerontology and Vulnerability Studies and Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics, University of Geneva) : "Death seen through death notices: between real causes and family representations" (July 2017).

 Irma Elo (Population Aging Research Center, University of Pennsylvania) : " Migration and Health: examples from the United States " (June 2016)

Gabriel Pictet (Head of Community Health and Innovation Unit, Health Department, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies): "The role of research in the Red Cross: methodological aspects of realistic evaluations" (February 2016)

Diego Ayma: "Modeling vital rates over space, time and age from coarsely grouped data: a penalized composite link model approach." (December 2015)

Liliana Andriano (EDSD): "Infant mortality and malnutrition in low- to middle-income countries: Do community education and wealth modify the effect of mother and family characteristics?" (July 2015)

Grégoire Rey (Inserm- CépiDc): "Analysis of mortality by weighting multiple causes of death".

Marie-Aline Charles (Inserm-ELFE) : "From the concept of developmental origins of health to the Elfe study" (January 2015)

Clémentine Rossier (University of Geneva): "Results of the Ouagadougou Population Observatory 2008-2013: health inequalities and chronic diseases" (May 2014)

Luule Sakkeus (Estonian Institute for Population Studies, University of Tallinn): "Associations between some chronic diseases and disability levels in Europe" (April 2014)

Cristina Giudici (Univ. Roma 1): "Social disparities in mortality - an analysis from the HID survey follow-up" (April 2014)

Kariul Islam (PhD student from Bangladesh invited by G. Duthé): thesis project (February 2014)


Sessions of the seminar "Les lundis de l’Ined" organized by the UR5 :

Florian Bonnet (Ined UR5): "Spatial inequalities in mortality and living standards in France: a historical perspective" (February 2021). Discussant: Stéphane Rican (University of Paris Nanterre, LADYSS)

Magali Barbieri (Ined UR5/University of Berkeley): "Contribution of drug use mortality to the growing US life expectancy gap" (February 2018). Discussant: Agnès Cadet-Taïrou (French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction)

Samuel Pavard & Christophe Coste (Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie, UMR 7206 CNRS, MNHN, Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité): "Better understanding the prevalence of genetic diseases of aging") (January 2017). Discussant: Gilles Pison (Ined UR5/ Museum of Natural History)

Juliana Antero (Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance -INSEP): "Longevity and causes of mortality in elite athletes: new discussions in public health and demography" (March 1016). Discussant: Emmanuelle Cambois (Ined UR5)

Guillaume Lachenal (Université Paris Diderot): "Public health, colonialism and miracle drugs in Africa. Reflection from the case of pentamidine" (March 2015). Discussant: Anne-Marie Moulin (CNRS)