Bases de données

Démographie par décès de Covid-19

Magali Barbieri, Florian Bonnet, Carlo Giovanni Camarda, Emmanuelle Cambois, , Jenny Garcia,  France Meslé,  Svitlana Poniakina, Jean-Marie Robine, Catalina Torres, Emmanuelle Cambois, Aline Désesquelles, Myriam Khlat et  Gilles Pison participent à l'élaboration de cette base de données.

Human Mortality Database

Magali Barbieri is part of team developing the Human Mortality Database.

The Human Mortality Database (HMD) was created to provide detailed mortality and population data to researchers, students, journalists, policy analysts, and others interested in the history of human longevity. The project began as an outgrowth of earlier projects in the Department of Demography at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany (see history). It is the work of two teams of researchers in the USA and Germany (see research teams), with the help of financial backers and scientific collaborators from around the world (see acknowledgements).

International Database Longevity

France Meslé, Jean-Marie Robine et Jacques Vallin have contributed to the development of the database and its update.

The International Database on Longevity (IDL) is the result of an ongoing concerted effort to provide thoroughly validated information on individuals who attain extreme ages. The IDL allows for the demographic analysis of mortality at the highest ages. Originally, the data were collected on individuals who attained an age of 110 years or more - so called supercentenarians. In the meantime the data collection has been extended to include younger ages for some countries. The information entered into the IDL is supplied by a group of international contributors. The IDL provides data for research purposes and information can be downloaded free of charge.

European Health expectancy database

Jean-Marie Robine coordonne le projet européen, auquel participe aussi Emmanuelle Cambois.

EurOhex is a website which provides access to research on health expectancies in Europe. It includes a database on health indicators comprising life expectancies and Healthy Life Years (HLY)for 27 European countries.

From 2011 onwards projects on health expectancies are conducted in the framework of a Joint Action between the European Commission and the Member-States. The JA:EHLEIS contributes to the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Active an Healthy Ageing as well as to the European Year for Active Ageing.